The Poetics of Brut Writings - Lecture by Vincent Capt, at the University of Lausanne

Vincent Capt, who holds a PhD in French language and literature from the Universities of Lausanne and Paris 8, and is a co-founder of CrAB (art brut research think tank), will be giving a lecture.
A researcher and teacher in French linguistics, Vincent Capt's works combine anthropology, enunciation theories and art theories.

Jean Dubuffet's thoughts on "art brut" have to do with language; they cover writings as well as drawings, paintings and/or sculptures. Preserved by the Collection de l'Art Brut in Lausanne, past writings by asylum inmates are to be featured and analyzed for the occasion. These "crazy stories" present a number of theoretical and often highly singular difficulties. The problems entailed invite consideration of enunciation theory poetics along the lines of linguists Emile Benveniste and Henri Meschonnic.
"Brut writings" shift the question of the alienated person's otherness to the realm of language.
The shift is a historicized one, totally modern. It is on this shift, implying the "brut" (raw) in art, that Mr. Capt will be lecturing.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014, 5:15pm
UNIL, Anthropole, Room 3032
Information: [email protected]


Publish Date: 27.05.2014