"Special encounters" throughout the year 2016 at the Collection de l'Art Brut

Throughout the year 2016, the Collection de l'Art Brut will be inviting outstanding figures from the realm of culture - artists, musicians, writers, filmmakers - to spend an evening with the public and share his/her discovery of Art Brut and our museum here in Lausanne.
The Collection de l'Art Brut in Lausanne will serve as the venue for all these encounters.

March 5th, 7PM   
Discussion between
Jean-Claude Drouin and Michel Thévoz
Armande Ponge devant annuler son voyage pour des raisons de santé, la Rencontre avec du 5 mars à 19h se fera avec Michel Thévoz et Jean-Claude Drouin, fils du galeriste René Drouin, dont la galerie éponyme se situait Place Vendôme, à Paris.
René Drouin mis à disposition de Jean Dubuffet un espace dans le sous-sol de sa galerie à partir du 15 novembre 1947 jusqu’en 1948, afin d’y installer le premier Foyer de l’Art Brut, lieu de conservation et d’exposition des collections d’Art Brut de Dubuffet.
René Drouin présenta également à l’automne 1949 dans les salles officielles de sa galerie l’exposition historique L’Art Brut, organisée par Jean Dubuffet. Cet événement réunissait pour la première fois hors les murs de la Compagnie de l’Art Brut, installée désormais dans un pavillon prêté par les éditions Gallimard, à Paris, 200 œuvres d’ auteurs d’Art Brut. René Drouin fut aussi le premier galeriste à présenter l’œuvre de Jean Dubuffet à partir de 1944 jusqu’en 1947.
The session will begin with readings of Jean Dubuffet's writings by Jacques Roman.

April 21st, 7PM   
Discussion between Anne-Claire Decorvet and Ingrid Thobois

How should one write about the creators of Art Brut? How can their story be told? For her third book, Un lieu sans raison [a place for no reason], published by Bernard Campiche, 2015, for four years Anne-Claire Decorvet put herself in Marguerite Sirvins's shoes: the latter (b. 1890) had been interned in the Saint-Alban psychiatric hospital. Her last work, an embroidered dress, is one of the Collection de l'Art Brut's most memorable displays.
Ingrid Thobois is the author of Le Plancher de Jeannot, published by Buchet Castel, 2015. Her novel unravels the story of "Jeannot," a young peasant girl from Béarn (southwest France): in 1971, Jeannot carved a text in capital letters across a wood floor 15 square meters in size.

May 26th, 7PM   
Discussion between Sophie Bourbonnais, Pascal Rigeade and Hervé Di Rosa.

The focus will be on French institutions presenting notably Art Brut pieces: La Fabuloserie (Dicy), a venue thought up and conceived by the architect Alain Bourbonnais for his collection of out-of-the ordinary art works; the Musée de la Création Franche (Bègles) directed by Pascal Rigeade; and the Musée International des Arts Modestes (MIAM, Sète) founded by Hervé Di Rosa in 2000.

June 24th, 7PM   
Discussion between Kiyoko Lerner and Mark Stokes, on Henry Darger - including a screening

An encounter focused on the American Art Brut creator Henry Darger, whose works are displayed at the Collection de l'Art Brut, as well as in several other collections, including New York's  MOMA and the American Folk Art Museum, and the Musée d'art moderne of the City of Paris.
Screening of the documentary film Revolutions of the Night: The Enigma of Henry Darger (by Mark Stokes, USA, 2012, 1'44), and an encounter with Kiyoko Lerner, Darger's former landlady and, together with her husband, heir to Darger's oeuvre, which she donated to, notably, the Collection de l'Art Brut.

Second part of the program: July thru December 2016: to be announced.
There is no entry fee for any of these evening events, but advance booking is recommended:
by email - [email protected]
by phone - + 41 21 315 25 70
or at the Collection de l'Art Brut site: www.artbrut.ch, "agenda" page




Publish Date: 05.03.2016