L'envers et l'endroit [knit one, purl one]: lecture by Mali Genest

For the first lecture under the auspices of her artistic residency,  and on the occasion of the exhibition of textiles entitled La porosité des Contours [the porosity of contours], Isabelle Faccini invites Mali Genest as guest speaker.

A moderator on behalf of the Collection de l'Art Brut, Mali Genest highlights the symbolic finery fashioned by various Collection de l'Art Brut creators, both men and women: the embroidered, woven and knitted pieces that are on display in Lausanne.

The transgressive and protesting nature of their pieces defies any codes commonly associated with the applied arts, canvasses or sewing patterns. No longer enslaved to their craft, these needlework pieces enjoy total freedom, flocking in to dress up the very private fantasies and frenzies of their creators.

Vendredi 16 octobre à 18h00
Médiathèque Jules Verne
Place Raspail
4250 La Ricamarie
Contact: + 33 4 77 57 66 04
[email protected]


Publish Date: 16.10.2015