Jean Dubuffet's historic Almanach de l'Art Brut will be available in bookstores

As of November 14, Jean Dubuffet's historic "Almanach de l'Art Brut" will be on sale in bookstores in Switzerland, France, and Belgium.
Also available for purchase at our museum library and on our book store page.

"Nannetolicus Meccanicus Saint avec cellule photoélectrique" show, by Gustavo Giacosa, in Teatro dell' Archivolto, Genoa (IT)
Gustavo Giacosa's show Nannetolicus Meccanicus Saint avec cellule photoélectrique was already staged at the Théâtre le Liberté (Toulon ) and the Grange de Dorigny under the auspices of the international colloquium on Art Brut, organized by the museum as one of its 40th-anniversary events. It is scheduled to be presented at the Teatro dell' Archivolto, Genoa (IT), on January 26 and 27,  2017.

L'Almanach de l’Art Brut in the medias:
"La bible de Jean Dubuffet est enfin éditée", 24 Heures, Florence Millioud-Henriques, 14 novembre 2016
"Revenir aux balbutiements de l'Art Brut", RTS (Espace 2, émission "Nectar") interview de Sarah Lombardi et Michel Thévoz, 14 novembre 2016
"Jean Dubuffet et al", Libération, Mathieu Lindon, 24 décembre 2016
"L'Almanach de l'Art Brut", Raw Vision, Edward M. Gomez, janvier 2017
"Sarah Lombardi", blog de Renaud Monfourny, 9 janvier 2017


Publish Date: 14.11.2016