"De quoi la contre-culture est-elle le oui?" [Of what is the counter-culture an affirmation?] A colloquium organized by the Halle Saint Pierre gallery and the Collège International de Philosophie

June 22 and 23,  2013 - Lucienne Peiry has accepted an invitation from the Maison des cultures du Monde (Paris). She will be participating in a colloquium organized by the Halle Saint Pierre gallery of Paris and the Collège International de Philosophie (CIPh, Paris) under the auspices of the Festival de l'Imaginaire (dance and music festival).

Under the heading
"The strength of utopias - embroidered, painted, written, winged.
Helga Goetze, Gustav Mesmer, Masao Obata, Eijiro Myiama,"
Ms. Peiry will be speaking at the Maison des Cultures du Monde,
101 Bvd Raspail,  75006 Paris. Cf.
 Festival de l'imaginaire


Publish Date: 22.06.2013