García Cortízas, Federico
Federico García Cortízas, untitled, 2016, ballpoint pen and coloured pencil on paper, 14,5 x 19,5 cm, photo : Claudina Garcia, Atelier de numérisation – Ville de Lausanne Collection de l’Art Brut, Lausanne
García Cortízas, Federico,
(1971), Cuba
Federico García Cortízas has loved drawing since childhood. His creations depict imaginary woodlands. They are composed of complex vegetal structures of densely intertwining trees, roots and branches, which give the impression of a living organism. Trees have always been a source of inspiration for him, prompting his endeavours as an activist and defender of nature. They fill all his images, as if the world were nothing but dense, ancient forests.
Most of his works depict dark, frightening scenes devoid of human presence. He composes these images with sinuous and minutely detailed lines, using colour solely for purposes of symbolism or aesthetics, without concern for plausibility. He uses ink, graphite and coloured crayons on paper or cardboard, generally favouring small formats. García Cortízas lost his father when he was two.
His mother, who raised him alone, introduced him to cinema, literature and music. The death of his mother reinforced his tendency to remain alone and secluded in his flat, where he spends most of his time drawing. For him, his home is a refuge from the negative energies he believes are directed at him and, more generally, from the world and its obligations.