University of Lausanne : Florence Choquard defends her doctoral dissertation.

On June 19th, Florence Choquard defends her doctoral dissertation devoted to the history of creative patients of the Cery Psychiatric Hospital, who are considered to be creatorof Art Brut. Under the heading "Le regard d'un psychiatre sur les écrits de la folie. La carrière de Hans Steck à l'Asile psychiatrique de Cery (1920-1960)" [A psychiatrist's view on the writings of insanity. Hans Steck's career at the Cery Psychiatric Asylum], she is speaking at the University of Lausanne.
Under the auspices of the exhibition Aloïse. The Solar Ricochet, Florence Choquard will be giving a lecture Le psychiatre Hans Steck et Aloïse [the psychiatrist Hans Steck and Aloïse] on October 4, 2012.  I hereby sign up for the event.


Publish Date: 19.06.2012