The Richard Greaves site is slowly waning
Mario del Curto visited the Richard Greaves site eight times in order to come up with Richard Greaves anarchitecte, as he titled both his book on this creator and an exhibition curated by Sarah Lombardi and Valérie Rousseau, as well as a film created jointly with Philippe Lespinasse. His visits date from 2001 thru February 2013. In 2009, Richard Greaves paid tribute to his own creed —"We never possess, all is in the making"—by taking leave of his territory. In the meantime, he fathered a little girl, now four years old. He lives with his new lady friend a few dozen kilometers outside of Rang Chausse Gros (Quebec), remaining as ever close to his beloved trees, water and earth.His constructions have not stood up against abandonment and storms; Mario del Curto's latest photographs testify to their present-day decrepitude. "Of the houses, with the exception of the first of them, La Cabane à sucre (the sugar cabin), not a single one remains standing. One of my favorites, La Cathédrale, has been erased as might a clumsy pencil stroke from a sheet of paper. The most imposing of them, Les Trois Petits Cochons (the three little pigs) has caved in altogether; only its west wing, left exposed to bad weather, remains. La Maison ronde (the round house) is in the throes of death, barely standing, its guts drooping into its belly. The rest of them lie about like so many grounded boats. The poetry pathway has become the pathway of grief—more for me, it would seem, than for Richard. Nevertheless, he did not wish to accompany me." (Mario del Curto)
Publish Date: 13.08.2013