The Friends of Art Brut Association General Assembly
Following this assembly: refreshments and the presentation of the museum's most recently acquired works.
Agenda :
The General Assembly begins at 6:30 PM
1. Welcome by the president, and list of excused absences.
2. Proposal to read and approve the minutes of the General Assembly of April 30th 2014.
3. 2014 Activities Report.
4. Presentation of the 2014 Financial Statement and Auditors' Report, and approval of the financial statement.
5. Election of the committee members.
6. Election of the Auditors.
7. Upcoming activities by the Collection de l’Art Brut.
8. Presentation of two sculpture pieces by Eugène von Bruenchenhein, acquired in 2014 thanks to the Association's support.
9. Miscellaneous business and individual proposals.
Publish Date: 16.06.2015