The Collection de l’Art Brut of Lausanne present at European spiritualist art exhibitions

Several European institutions will be showing art by spiritualists, whether writers or artists. The Collection de l’Art Brut of Lausanne is participating in this movement by loaning out several works by, among others:

Marguerite Burnat-Provins, Jeanne Tripier and Laure Pigeon, for the  "L'Europe des Esprits ou la fascination de l'occulte, 1750-1950" [Europe of the Spirits or the Fascination of the Occult, 1750-1950] exhibition at the Paul Klee Center in Bern, running until  July 15, 2012. Lucienne Peiry has contributed a text on Jeanne Tripier for the exhibition catalogue;

by Comte de Tromelin [the Count of Tromelin] for the " Entrée des Médiums, Spiritisme et art de Hugo à Breton" [Entry of Mediums, Spiritualism and Art from Hugo to Breton] exhibition at the  la Maison de Victor Hugo [Victor Hugo's House museum] in Paris from October 5, 2012 through January 6, 2013.

and by Victorien Sardou for the "Locus solus. Impresiones de Raymond Roussel" exhibition at the Queen Sophia Arts Center, Madrid (Spain), ending in February 2012.

untitled, 1939
ink on paper
64 x 49 cm
Photo : Marie Humair
Collection de l’Art Brut, Lausanne


Publish Date: 10.02.2012