Sarah Lombardi participates in the International Colloquium "Art Brut et Matérialité: de l'imaginaire à l'œuvre". (Art Brut and Materiality: from the imagined to the created)

October 27, from 11:30am to 12:30pm: « Le musée à l'épreuve de l'art brut aux trois coins du monde » (museums put to test in the three corners of the world)
Roundtable discussion with Savine Faupin (Villeneuve d'Ascq, LAM), Sarah Lombardi (Lausanne, Collection de l'Art Brut) and Valérie Rousseau (New York, American Folk Art Museum).
A comparison between the three museographic approaches to exhibiting works classed "Art Brut."

This roundtable is organized under the auspices of the international colloquium
"Art Brut et Matérialité: des imaginaires à l'œuvre" (Art Brut and materiality: fantasies at work)
This colloquium shall consider the materiality of works that, in the past and today, have been and are related to Art Brut. They are to be so considered not only because of the variety of "materials" they comprise or the "techniques" they entail, but also because materiality is an integral part of the way such works are seen and discussed. Nor is their specificity defined by any a priori stylistic or aesthetic criteria. Should the materials used suggest certain conditions defining their manner of production, these have also, at some point in time, been poeticized. By that we mean they have been historicized in the field of art by how they are seen. In this connection, art brut works represent extraordinary mirrors of our own reading grids. In a perspectivist and "constructivist" (our viewpoint creates the object) way, it will be a matter of "going over with a fine-tooth comb" at once both how the art world has considered such works and how it has handled them, leading to their being allowed to emerge, be conserved and go on display.

Date: October 27-28, 2014

Venue: Université Paris Ouest Nanterre,
Amphithéâtre B2 (film room), B Building
200 avenue de la République
92 001 Nanterre

Download the entire Colloquium program


Publish Date: 27.10.2014