Meeting with J. Porret-Forel who was personally acquainted with Aloïse

An occasion to meet J. Porret Forel, who was personally acquainted with Aloïse and who drew up the catalogue raisonné of her oeuvre.

Under the auspices of the Aloïse. The Solar Ricochet exhibition, the Parti de l'Art Brut has invited Jacqueline Porret-Forel for a meeting and discussion.

Jacqueline Porret-Forel, a physician, paid visits to Aloïse (1886-1964) over a period of twenty years, introducing Jean Dubuffet to the latter's work. She devoted  much of her life to preserving and studying this major Art Brut creator's work. In April 2012, she took charge of publishing a catalogue raisonné of Aloïse's oeuvre (

This meeting is reserved to members of the Parti de l'Art Brut.
What is the Parti de l'Art Brut, and how to become a member?

Thursday October 11, 2012, 6.30pm.


Publish Date: 11.10.2012