Au fond du plac’Art* : Art Brut-speak for children

Under the auspices of its cultural awareness program, the Vallée de la Jeunesse [youth valley]—a service program offered by the CVA (Centre vaudois d’aide à la jeunesse [Canton of Vaud Youth Assistance Program])—presents Au fond du plac’Art. This is a show specially conceived for children, with an eye to introducing them to the inventive, myriad and intriguing world of Art Brut. The plot begins with one man's dream: Jean Dubuffet makes the wager that another art exists somewhere where it remains unknown and hidden a corner of a room, under a bed, or at the bottom of a wardrobe*. He sets out to find it...

This exhibition opens the way to a variety of highly original and intriguing worlds. The creations on exhibit for the children are free of any artistic cultural slant, as if excerpted from their creators' diaries. This imbues them with inventiveness, mystery, and undeniable panache.

Rotonde de la Vallée de la Jeunesse
du 10 novembre 2015 au 26 juin 2016
Renseignements et réservations:
021/ 315 68 85
[email protected]


Publish Date: 06.11.2015