Art Brut authors: Henriette Zéphir has passed away

Henriette Zéphir passed away on May 27, 2012, at the age of ninety-two. She was one of the last Art Brut creators to have personally known Jean Dubuffet, whom she met in Nice in 1966. Dubuffet acquired about twenty of her drawings, now housed at the Collection de l’Art Brut of Lausanne.

Henriette Zéphir took up drawing in the early sixties, and her drawings were shown at, notably, the Halle St-Pierre Museum in Paris. The documentary film Henriette Zéphir, une femme sous influence [Henriette Zéphir, A Woman Under the Influence], 17', by Mario Del Curto, Bastien Genoux and Alain Bouillet, has just been released.

Illustration caption:

Henriette Zéphir
utitled, 1964
ink and color pencil on paper
32 x 24 cm
Photo : Marie Humair
Collection de l’Art Brut, Lausanne


Publish Date: 27.05.2012