The Art Brut Fascicle N°11

The Art Brut Fascicle N°11, 18 x 24 cm, 150 ill. black/white or color, about 160 pp. Since 1964 to 2018. In French. One fascicle CHF 30.-
Price Complete collection, 25 fascicles (N°2 - N°26) : CHF 720.-

The Art Brut Fascicles were launched in 1964 by the painter Jean Dubuffet, inventor of the term "Art Brut," and theorist, exegete and donor of his renowned collection to the City of Lausanne in 1971. Consisting of monographs on Art Brut creators, these reference works represent internationally acclaimed sources of information and deliberation.

L'Art Brut 11

by Albert Dasnoy: Léontine; by André Requet: Sylvain Fusco; by Guy Filippa: Aloïs Wey; by Michel Thévoz: Edmund Monsiel, Samuel Daiber and Thérèse Bonnelalbay; by Roger Gentis: André Robillard; by Vittorino Andreoli: Les dernières années de Carlo; by Claude Massé: Joseph Vignes; by Dominique Stroobant: Italo Perugi; by Bernard Chevassu: François Portrat.

Collection de l'Art Brut, Lausanne, 1982.

The Art Brut Fascicle N°11



CHF 30.-

